Teacher Evaluation in Nevada According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, that was published on January 18, 2018 the State Board of Education in Nevada is about to vote on how they should score teachers on their evaluations. They are deciding if they should " leave the cut scores unchanged for the next school year. Even if it maintains the status quo, the underlying formula on which educators will be rated will again be altered next year" (Delaney, 2018). For 2017-2018 80% of the score is based on supervisor observation. This is a subjective measure because each evaluator will always be graded slightly different. The remaining 20% is based on student achievement. The student achievement is measured on a goal that was set by the teacher and the supervisor. Currently teachers can be placed in 4 different categories: (Lowest to Highest) Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective In order for teachers to be rated as highly-effective only be ach...
Secondary General Science For the pre-assessment for my class I decided to quiz the students on material they should have learned previously to grasp if they need more clarification or if they have learned the material. The quiz is going to based on starting points for the rest of the lessons and units. For example, students MUST grasp the concept of what matter is before they can solve any other problems. The pre-assessment quiz that was utilized was a definition quiz and short answer. The students short answer is based on seeing if they know how to apply the definitions to real life. Pre-Assessment: https://quizlet.com/260573945/pre-assessment-for-differentiation-physics-flash-cards/ Note: The students do not have to answer the definitions in exact words. They must show understanding of the terms and explain them in an accurate way: In a scenario where: the 5 students who answered most, including the most difficult, of the pre-assessment questions correctly These stud...