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Creating High Performance Learning Environments

Roller Coaster Physics

Academic expectations: The teacher held high performance expectations for the students because each student was being assessed and challenged. The students were challenged through the process because instead of just giving students all the materials to work with in the project she found a system to where the students needed to find the reason for getting more materials and also using a budget to obtain the material. The high performance expectations is to work together to find the problem to the solution and not give all the materials to finish. The teacher also used real life examples in order to prepare students for their future careers. 

Behavior Expectations - The teacher for this scenario had high behavior expectations for the students because they were expected to listen to other’s opinions and ideas without disrespecting. The students were required to have fun from experience and testing, which was called chiming by the teacher. Group projects taught them to respect other’s ideas and work.  I think this project had high expectations because the project was not entirely a cookie cutter project. The students were required to identify a problem and work together to find a solution. Another thing the students were required to do was have one person be the “accountant” in the group and manage budget and the responsibilities of group members. 

Norms & Procedures - I observed the teacher working with the groups of students through small group instruction. Each group was broken up into smaller groups to work on the project together and the teacher would go around the classroom and help each individual student

Chiming - Take a chimer in each group and talk about trials and tribulations in the group and the other students take notes. Great assessment tool to see where the students are and you can see them assessing other’s ideas. Helping students with communication with each other and using it in the real world. 

Sketching designs - used for self assessment and peer assessment. Having the students put their ideas on paper and then they also use this to present to their peers

Computer simulation - They can learn through the computer models. They learn by seeing what works and doesn’t work on the computer program by seeing the project at a different angle.

Testing - This is a method where the teacher doesn’t give them much materials to do their project in order for them to buy materials from the teacher and explain why they need that material. 

3rd Grade Chinese

I observed this teacher using the strategy of speaking Chinese in numbers in order to do basic math. This is challenging for students as they are learning two things at once, Chinese and math. I also saw that the teacher was expecting students to raise their hands before they were to call out an answer. She also made sure that students were not speaking out during class unless it was time to by giving them the “shh” sign. These are important behavior norms and expectations for students their age. Academic expectations were that students needed to participate as a group to recite over and over again the content that was being taught in what sounded like a song. They were also supposed to raise their hand whenever they wanted to answer. These expectations can’t be classified as high because it can be hard to gauge which of the students are participating and which ones are not. I think that the teacher could make it harder for students and to assess which students may have troubles with the content by randomly picking students to answer the question.

Whole Brain Teaching 

Students are using hand and arms movements to understand the content that the teacher is presenting. By doing this she is creating another method for students to learn. Working in groups and repetition was also a part of the whole brain teaching method. When students did well they gave “10 fingers” by putting up all their fingers and moving them whilst saying wooo and oh yeah. They did this along with hand gestures during classroom instruction, which promotes whole brain teaching.

Rules & Procedures - Some of the rules and procedures were: 1. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings 2. Treat each person with dignity and respect. The rules and procedures were presented to the students by having them recite these with gestures. Doing this repetitively and everyday allows the students to remember the rules and also take them seriously. 

Reciting what page number of the book to go to was another method the teacher used. This is funny because the number one thing that I remembered when I was in school was when the teacher would tell us to turn to a specific page in a book there was at least one person who would ask “which page again?” By having the students repeat it as a group a couple of times it will eliminate that confusion and also create whole group participation. 

Super speed reading helps the students to work with a partner to learn the content. This group/partner learning allows the students to have fun. As we saw in the video the students were laughing as it was challenging yet doing it with another person made it entertaining. The activities presented by this method of teaching is challenging and the teacher expected that all students participate in the gestures and rules. 

Overall, the teacher’s method was engaging and holds high expectations for her students. 


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